Why are we sick?
How come the popularity of diseases has jumped a few hundred percent in the last 200 years?
Why are we sick?
How come the popularity of diseases has jumped a few hundred pereent in the last 200 years?
On our visit to a family doctor we hear more and more frequently the words – “I am sorry but your disease has no known cure yet” or “the disease you have is chronic… here are some drugs to manage the symptoms…” or “unfortunately this bacteria is resistant to all antibiotics…so, we can’t really do anything…but here are more drugs to ameliorate your suffering”. You did not experience this? In this case you are a minority! “There are no healthy people -only undiagnosed patients”. This is not a laughing matter, because this saying is more true than you might think.
Let’s have a quick look at the statistics (boring but necessary part):
Heart and cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 30% of all deaths around the world who.int/heart
Cholesterol. 71 mln. (33.5%) of Americans have excessive levels of “bad” cholesterol. Europeans are catching up cdc.gov/cholesterol
70% of people are overweight, of which 30% are obese. This cruel statistic does not leave out the children – 17% are also obese cdc.gov/obesity/facts
Cancer. Statistically around 50% of men and 30% of women will have cancer in their lifetime cancer.org/cancerbasics Besides, it is believed that cancer is even more frequent (i.e. prostate cancer). The probability for a 60 year old man to have prostate cancer reaches 70%, but because people die from other causes/diseases the cancer usually goes undetected…
Diabetes affects around 10% of the world’s population wikipedia.org/Diabetes
Arthritis and other bone diseases. Probability to be affected by these is 50%, if you manage to live long enough without succumbing to all the other diseases. cdc.gov/arthritis
Alzheimer (Dementia). One out of three seniors dies from brain degeneration diseases. alz.org/alzheimers_facts
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the fourth cause of deaths in the world. lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOPL
These are only some of the thousands of other ailments, just for us to get a better view of the extent of disease in the world. Of course, there is a big chance that you might be affected by one of the simpler diseases, such as the nail fungus or an eczema, other skin diseases, which often do not have a cure and you simply bear it, sometimes for decades. Treatment is only with various creams and only symptomatic. Sorry, but the medicine hasn’t evolved yet that far… We only managed to decode DNA language, we can modify anything genetically, we can “rewind” time to see how EXISTENCE was born 13.7 billions years ago… But, what are these tiny pimples on your skin, affecting 10th of the population – well, we haven’t yet figured that out. Here is a cream for you – it’s really good, has a hormonal base, deals effectively with the symptoms. And what about the side-effects? Well, read it yourself if you find where it’s written and if you are able to read the small print.
So why is this? Why has the “popularity” of disease jumped a few hundred percent in the last 200 years?
There are hundreds of thousands of high quality medical research papers available in the world today which we can use to “get a general picture” about what is health, how to live in a way that supports our bodies, and what prevention mechanisms are necessary to be developed. Why are our children not taught about this at schools? Often if you take an obese child, afflicted with diabetes and who most likely will not manage to live to 50 years due to a heart attack or a cancer will be able to tell you some useless mathematical equation without any clue where this fits in the real life practically, but when it comes to matters that truly affect his every day living such as healthy eating and the importance of physical movement he will have no idea. What is even worse – is that the parents often have no clue either!
In other words there is no prevention mechanism in our healthcare system. There is no care about the health of people. This type of education is non-existent. Hopefully this will change, but until then nobody is interested in your health.
Who is then responsible for your health?
It’s definitely not your doctor or the health ministry, so don’t blame them. Perhaps the pharmaceutical companies? Definitely not, they produce drugs to treat your symptoms, they have no interest in you being healthy.
We are ourselves responsible for our health. Thus, we ourselves have to understand how our bodies function, what makes us sick and what supports us to get back to health, to have finally a basic comprehension on “how to clean our garden”, now that we are already a bit late on prevention.
On our visit to a family doctor we hear more and more frequently the words – “I am sorry but your disease has no known cure yet” or “the disease you have is chronic… here are some drugs to manage the symptoms…” or “unfortunately this bacteria is resistant to all antibiotics…so, we can’t really do anything…but here are more drugs to ameliorate your suffering”. You did not experience this? In this case you are a minority! “There are no healthy people -only undiagnosed patients”. This is not a laughing matter, because this saying is more true than you might think.
Let’s have a quick look at the statistics (boring but necessary part):
Heart and cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 30% of all deaths around the world who.int/heart
Cholesterol. 71 mln. (33.5%) of Americans have excessive levels of “bad” cholesterol. Europeans are catching up cdc.gov/cholesterol
70% of people are overweight, of which 30% are obese. This cruel statistic does not leave out the children – 17% are also obese cdc.gov/obesity/facts
Cancer. Statistically around 50% of men and 30% of women will have cancer in their lifetime cancer.org/cancerbasics Besides, it is believed that cancer is even more frequent (i.e. prostate cancer). The probability for a 60 year old man to have prostate cancer reaches 70%, but because people die from other causes/diseases the cancer usually goes undetected…
Diabetes affects around 10% of the world’s population wikipedia.org/Diabetes
Arthritis and other bone diseases. Probability to be affected by these is 50%, if you manage to live long enough without succumbing to all the other diseases. cdc.gov/arthritis
Alzheimer (Dementia). One out of three seniors dies from brain degeneration diseases. alz.org/alzheimers_facts
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the fourth cause of deaths in the world. lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOPL
These are only some of the thousands of other ailments, just for us to get a better view of the extent of disease in the world. Of course, there is a big chance that you might be affected by one of the simpler diseases, such as the nail fungus or an eczema, other skin diseases, which often do not have a cure and you simply bear it, sometimes for decades. Treatment is only with various creams and only symptomatic. Sorry, but the medicine hasn’t evolved yet that far… We only managed to decode DNA language, we can modify anything genetically, we can “rewind” time to see how EXISTENCE was born 13.7 billions years ago… But, what are these tiny pimples on your skin, affecting 10th of the population – well, we haven’t yet figured that out. Here is a cream for you – it’s really good, has a hormonal based, deals effectively with the symptoms. And what about the side-effects? Well, read it yourself if you find where it’s written and if you are able to read the small print.
So why is this? Why has the “popularity” of disease jumped a few hundred percent in the last 200 years?
There are hundreds of thousands of high quality medical research papers available in the world today which we can use to “get a general picture” about what is health, how to live in a way that supports our bodies, and what prevention mechanisms are necessary to be developed. Why are our children not taught about this at schools? Often if you take an obese child, afflicted with diabetes and who most likely will not manage to live to 50 years due to a heart attack or a cancer will be able to tell you some useless mathematical equation without any clue where this fits in the real life practically, but when it comes to matters that truly affect his every day living such as healthy eating and the importance of physical movement he will have no idea. What is even worse – is that the parents often have no clue either!
In other words there is no prevention mechanism in our healthcare system. There is no care about the health of people. This type of education is non-existent. Hopefully this will change, but until then nobody is interested in your health.
Who is then responsible for your health?
It’s definitely not your doctor or the health ministry, so don’t blame them. Perhaps the pharmaceutical companies? Definitely not, they produce drugs to treat your symptoms, they have no interest in you being healthy.
We are ourselves responsible for our health. Thus, we ourselves have to understand how our bodies function, what makes us sick and what supports us to get back to health, to have finally a basic comprehension on “how to clean our garden”, now that we are already a bit late on prevention.
Why Homeopathy is Important?
- It is a holistic system of treatment and has a proven record over 200 years
- With homeopathy there are no side effects and the results are lasting