Panic Attacks
Panic attack – it’s the response of the organism (untimely) to a danger or an excitement. Panic attacks can happen in an instant and without any apparent reason. In this article we will consider the following:
Panic Attacks
Panic attack – it’s the response of the organism (untimely) to a danger or an excitement. Panic attacks can happen in an instant and without any apparent reason. In this article we will consider the following:
- What is experienced during an attack
- Why do they happen
- How to control them
- How do we heal
- Homeopathy and panic attacks
The signs of a Panic Attack
Panic attacks can be very deceiving. You might think that you are:
- Dying
- Fainting
- Losing control
- Having a heart attack
- Going insane
- Leaving your body
All this is happening in your head, there is no real danger, even though in that moment it all appears very real
During a panic attack the following physical symptoms might appear:
- Difficulty breathing
- Increased heart rate
- Nausea and dizziness
- Heat or cold
- Pain in the chest
For people who never experienced a more serious panic it looks like it’s all a “child’s play” or “an overactive imagination” while in reality the panic attacks can be very debilitating and can seriously affect daily functioning and life in general.
How long do panic attacks last?
Panic attack (on average) lasts 10 minutes and then starts to dissipate. A strong panic attack can last longer, or it can also happen that a few panic attacks succeed each other (a rare occurrence). If you experience frequent panic attacks you might be diagnosed with anxiety disorder.
Panic attack – what is it?
When the body perceives a threat it activates the “fight or flight” mechanism. Hormones are released, neurotransmitters etc. which, yes, is very useful when you meet a drunk criminal that is fast approaching you in the middle of the night somewhere in an abandoned warehouse… with a sword in his hands! Then the “fight or flight” mechanism is very welcome (hopefully you choose the flight over fight in this case…)
Panic attack happens when the “fight or flight” mechanism is activated without there being a real threat or danger
At this moment there is a sudden change in the hormone and neurotransmitter ratio. There is a reduction in inhibitory (GABA) and an increase in the excitatory (adrenaline, dopamine)… You can read in more detail here on the causes of anxiety and panic attacks.
When do panic attacks happen?
A panic attack for each one can happen at different times, it can happen even at night during sleep. The frequency also varies and can happen from a few times a month to a couple of times per day… or even one after another. We can also notice that certain places, situations or activities can activate a panic attack. For example it can happen before an important meeting, after alcohol, or after certain foods (i.e. fast/processed foods) etc.
Our physical body always tries to protect us from danger, that’s why, after we have a panic attack there is a “memory imprint” that happens regarding where and when or with whom it happened. So it’s quite normal that in the future the mind “helps” us to avoid these things… Let’s say the panic attack activated when we were driving a car… a few times already. What does the mind do? You start to become uneasy about driving a car… and then you start to avoid it… until, finally, you stop driving altogether. This can be in relation to anything: an activity, a place, or certain people. Panic attack at night – no exception. You might start to dread the thought of going to sleep. Some people might close up, instead of seeking ways to heal themselves, while there are definitely effective ways to deal with it!
Panic disorder
If you experience frequent panic attacks without any perceptible cause you might be diagnosed with a panic disorder. Panic disorder and certain phobias often go together. You can read in more detail about this disorder regarding the disbalance in neurotransmitters in what is anxiety.
How to control panic attacks?
There are a few strategies we can employ when we want to control panic attacks.
What to do during a panic attack you already probably know:
- Remind yourself that it will soon pass. Recognize that this is a panic attack and not a heart attack.
- If possible, remain where you are. If you move to a place that is more calm there is a possibility that you will start to fear this place as well and will avoid it in the future.
- If you feel like you are losing your connection with the body, start the “self-grounding” exercises: place your hand under a cold or hot water, wash your face, touch or tightly squeeze something that is available near you.
- If you have a friend nearby, tell him/her what is happening. They might help you with staying calm, to assure you that it will pass soon.
The main and most important rule during a panic attack:
- Focus on your breathing. Only the breathing. Breathing is the most powerful of all exercises. Any attempts of the mind to scare you by sending you more threatening thoughts you simply direct your attention to an outbreath. And you say to yourself “I am here”. Breathe slowly and deeply. Breathing directly affects the functioning of the neurotransmitters.
The golden rule of breathing during the attack: the outbreath has to be longer than the inbreath. Breath in slowly and breath out even slower. The inbreath promotes stress, the outbreath – calmness
Panic attack treatment
Lifestyle changes are necessary to cure, or at least, significantly reduce the panic attacks and/or anxiety. Chemical drugs against panic attacks are not always a solution, because this creates addiction and can cause many side-effects, thus it’s important to get professional advice before deciding on their use.
Vitexin is a natural substance, an antioxidant classified as an Apigenin Flavone Glycoside. We can find this flavonoid in quite a few plants such as: bamboo leaves, passionflower, lavender, mung beans and many others. Since the old times Vitexin was used in every continent of the world This flavonoid, since it got under the microscope of the scientists, has really staggered them with its wide pharmacological effects. Read more about Vitexin HERE
Homeopathy and panic attacks
Memory imprints
As we discussed above, our mind/body has a peculiar way of creating “memory imprints” when something more significant happens in our life. The example we used was if a panic attack happens while driving the car and how after a few such incidents we already have a memory that is stored in us and suddenly we begin to anticipate the same happening whenever we sit behind the wheel or even have a thought of doing that. It’s also the same mechanism at work when we learn to drive the car in the first place. Remember the first time you sat behind the wheel of a car and how much concentration and conscious effort was required and how with continuous repetition it became so easy that you can now drive a car, speak on the phone (don’t do it!) and check on your make-up in the mirror all at the same time. That’s because the behavior is now automatic, it’s “recorded into the flesh” and does not require much conscious effort to be performed.
From this example we can begin to see how we can act very much like recording devices as we “imprint” certain memories into our bodies and how these imprints can first influence our consciousness and later expand to our behavior as they imprint into deeper and deeper layers of the physical body. The longer we allow a specific “imprint” to play out and affect our behavior the more “solid” it becomes, we begin to define ourselves according to it and eventually it becomes who we are. Now, if a specific type of behavior that we programmed ourselves with this mechanism is supportive to us (like eating healthy food and having sufficient exercise) then all is fine, it is a good self-definition, but when that imprint is something that harms or limits us, like the example of having a fear/anxiety response when trying to drive the car – this is not a supportive imprint and we better find a way to change that. The sooner it’s done the better, because in time and through repetition the behavior creates a deeper integration and then the change becomes more challenging.
So what makes Homeopathy especially suitable for panic attacks?
The area of action of the homeopathic remedies is exactly that “memory imprint” we just talked about in the previous section. Homeopathy operates on that deeper level and the main goal of a good prescription is to delete the “memory imprints” in the body which are causing the unwanted behavior. To give you a simple way to understand, imagine someone experiencing a very intense event which caused an immense fear reaction, like an earthquake for example, and even when the earth stopped shaking the person is not able to return to a state of complete relaxation. Now there is always this fear in the background “that something bad might happen”, “ I might die” etc. In our homeopathic remedy kit we have remedies which have this precise “imprint” and this is exactly what we would give to the person who is having these experiences – we give them the likeness of what they have. In other words the person is cured by getting the exact same “disease” that they have and when there is a meeting of the two equal forces – they both cease to exist.
The principle of cure that homeopathy is based on comes from ancient times: Hippocrates was known to have said, “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like, it is cured.”
Read more about Homeopathy HERE
- What is experienced during an attack
- Why do they happen
- How to control them
- How do we heal
- Homeopathy and panic attacks
The signs of a Panic Attack
Panic attacks can be very deceiving. You might think that you are:
- Dying
- Fainting
- Losing control
- Having a heart attack
- Going insane
- Leaving your body
All this is happening in your head, there is no real danger, even though in that moment it all appears very real
During a panic attack the following physical symptoms might appear:
- Difficulty breathing
- Increased heart rate
- Nausea and dizziness
- Heat or cold
- Pain in the chest
For people who never experienced a more serious panic it looks like it’s all a “child’s play” or “an overactive imagination” while in reality the panic attacks can be very debilitating and can seriously affect daily functioning and life in general.
How long do panic attacks last?
Panic attack (on average) lasts 10 minutes and then starts to dissipate. A strong panic attack can last longer, or it can also happen that a few panic attacks succeed each other (a rare occurrence). If you experience frequent panic attacks you might be diagnosed with anxiety disorder.
Panic attack – what is it?
When the body perceives a threat it activates the “fight or flight” mechanism. Hormones are released, neurotransmitters etc. which, yes, is very useful when you meet a drunk criminal that is fast approaching you in the middle of the night somewhere in an abandoned warehouse… with a sword in his hands! Then the “fight or flight” mechanism is very welcome (hopefully you choose the flight over fight in this case…)
Panic attack happens when the “fight or flight” mechanism is activated without there being a real threat or danger
At this moment there is a sudden change in the hormone and neurotransmitter ratio. There is a reduction in inhibitory (GABA) and an increase in the excitatory (adrenaline, dopamine)… You can read in more detail here on the causes of anxiety and panic attacks.
When do panic attacks happen?
A panic attack for each one can happen at different times, it can happen even at night during sleep. The frequency also varies and can happen from a few times a month to a couple of times per day… or even one after another. We can also notice that certain places, situations or activities can activate a panic attack. For example it can happen before an important meeting, after alcohol, or after certain foods (i.e. fast/processed foods) etc.
Our physical body always tries to protect us from danger, that’s why, after we have a panic attack there is a “memory imprint” that happens regarding where and when or with whom it happened. So it’s quite normal that in the future the mind “helps” us to avoid these things… Let’s say the panic attack activated when we were driving a car… a few times already. What does the mind do? You start to become uneasy about driving a car… and then you start to avoid it… until, finally, you stop driving altogether. This can be in relation to anything: an activity, a place, or certain people. Panic attack at night – no exception. You might start to dread the thought of going to sleep. Some people might close up, instead of seeking ways to heal themselves, while there are definitely effective ways to deal with it!
Panic disorder
If you experience frequent panic attacks without any perceptible cause you might be diagnosed with a panic disorder. Panic disorder and certain phobias often go together. You can read in more detail about this disorder regarding the disbalance in neurotransmitters in what is anxiety.
How to control panic attacks?
There are a few strategies we can employ when we want to control panic attacks.
What to do during a panic attack you already probably know:
- Remind yourself that it will soon pass. Recognize that this is a panic attack and not a heart attack.
- If possible, remain where you are. If you move to a place that is more calm there is a possibility that you will start to fear this place as well and will avoid it in the future.
- If you feel like you are losing your connection with the body, start the “self-grounding” exercises: place your hand under a cold or hot water, wash your face, touch or tightly squeeze something that is available near you.
- If you have a friend nearby, tell him/her what is happening. They might help you with staying calm, to assure you that it will pass soon.
The main and most important rule during a panic attack:
- Focus on your breathing. Only the breathing. Breathing is the most powerful of all exercises. Any attempts of the mind to scare you by sending you more threatening thoughts you simply direct your attention to an outbreath. And you say to yourself “I am here”. Breathe slowly and deeply. Breathing directly affects the functioning of the neurotransmitters.
The golden rule of breathing during the attack: the outbreath has to be longer than the inbreath. Breath in slowly and breath out even slower. The inbreath promotes stress, the outbreath – calmness
Panic attack treatment
Lifestyle changes are necessary to cure, or at least, significantly reduce the panic attacks and/or anxiety. Chemical drugs against panic attacks are not always a solution, because this creates addiction and can cause many side-effects, thus it’s important to get professional advice before deciding on their use.
Vitexin is a natural substance, an antioxidant classified as an Apigenin Flavone Glycoside. We can find this flavonoid in quite a few plants such as: bamboo leaves, passionflower, lavender, mung beans and many others. Since the old times Vitexin was used in every continent of the world This flavonoid, since it got under the microscope of the scientists, has really staggered them with its wide pharmacological effects. Read more about Vitexin HERE
Homeopathy and panic attacks
Memory imprints
As we discussed above, our mind/body has a peculiar way of creating “memory imprints” when something more significant happens in our life. The example we used was if a panic attack happens while driving the car and how after a few such incidents we already have a memory that is stored in us and suddenly we begin to anticipate the same happening whenever we sit behind the wheel or even have a thought of doing that. It’s also the same mechanism at work when we learn to drive the car in the first place. Remember the first time you sat behind the wheel of a car and how much concentration and conscious effort was required and how with continuous repetition it became so easy that you can now drive a car, speak on the phone (don’t do it!) and check on your make-up in the mirror all at the same time. That’s because the behavior is now automatic, it’s “recorded into the flesh” and does not require much conscious effort to be performed.
From this example we can begin to see how we can act very much like recording devices as we “imprint” certain memories into our bodies and how these imprints can first influence our consciousness and later expand to our behavior as they imprint into deeper and deeper layers of the physical body. The longer we allow a specific “imprint” to play out and affect our behavior the more “solid” it becomes, we begin to define ourselves according to it and eventually it becomes who we are. Now, if a specific type of behavior that we programmed ourselves with this mechanism is supportive to us (like eating healthy food and having sufficient exercise) then all is fine, it is a good self-definition, but when that imprint is something that harms or limits us, like the example of having a fear/anxiety response when trying to drive the car – this is not a supportive imprint and we better find a way to change that. The sooner it’s done the better, because in time and through repetition the behavior creates a deeper integration and then the change becomes more challenging.
So what makes Homeopathy especially suitable for panic attacks?
The area of action of the homeopathic remedies is exactly that “memory imprint” we just talked about in the previous section. Homeopathy operates on that deeper level and the main goal of a good prescription is to delete the “memory imprints” in the body which are causing the unwanted behavior. To give you a simple way to understand, imagine someone experiencing a very intense event which caused an immense fear reaction, like an earthquake for example, and even when the earth stopped shaking the person is not able to return to a state of complete relaxation. Now there is always this fear in the background “that something bad might happen”, “ I might die” etc. In our homeopathic remedy kit we have remedies which have this precise “imprint” and this is exactly what we would give to the person who is having these experiences – we give them the likeness of what they have. In other words the person is cured by getting the exact same “disease” that they have and when there is a meeting of the two equal forces – they both cease to exist.
The principle of cure that homeopathy is based on comes from ancient times: Hippocrates was known to have said, “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like, it is cured.”
Read more about Homeopathy HERE
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- Learn about the TOP 6 Homeopathic remedies for fear & anxiety
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