Homeopathy and the Direction of Cure


One of the important skills in homeopathy is to be able to assess whether the disease, under treatment, is moving in a curative direction, or there is no movement, or there is a suppressive action happening. Clear understanding of this will dictate further action that needs to be taken… or not taken, because many times the best thing to do is nothing. 

As weird as it might seem, this very important rule in homeopathy – to not interfere, to wait, to be patient, to allow things to unfold and get a clear picture of what is here – has been mostly forgotten and not applied as much as it was in the olden times by classical homeopaths. 

This doing of nothing does not mean not doing anything but applies more to disease management. We have this tendency to approach diseases with anxiety by either completely ignoring them or compulsively managing them, running from one specialist to another and consuming every medication on the market just to get rid of the symptoms. In this process we can easily lose sight of ourselves, our life and the real problems of it, which most likely are the cause of the disease in the first place. 

Having lost patience, which is not surprising in this high-paced world, we still have to find a way to slow down and turn into ourselves. 

So that’s why it’s important to understand a bit of the body-mind science taught in homeopathy about the movement of disease – the direction of cure. This allows us to go easier into that state of inner calmness and let the body do what it needs to do in order to heal. 

So what are the signs that we are moving in the right direction? 

  • Reappearance of old symptoms: The reappearance of old symptoms during homeopathic treatment is seen as a positive sign that the body is responding to the remedy and healing itself. The return of symptoms is typically temporary and can be followed by a significant improvement in overall health. This also indicates that the original approach to the symptom/disease which is reappearing was of suppressive nature. So now it’s about going back and dealing with it in a curative manner. At this point the impatience, I talked before, can creep in and spoil the movement. This is an important crossroad that needs to be assessed carefully with much patience.
  • From inner to outer: This means that symptoms will move from deeper organs or systems to more superficial ones. The main example, easy to understand, is the appearance of skin problems when dealing with some deep chronic condition. That is the best sign for a homeopath. Even though the skin condition might be harsh and deeply uncomfortable, the body and the person on a mental level will usually report an improvement, a lightness of being, calmness and deep trust that things are, actually, moving in the right direction. Again note the importance of having patience at this point, because resorting to treatments, such as various cream ointments for the skin will likely lead to suppression and as a consequence the organism will go back to the previous, chronic, state.
  • From more important to less important organs: In homeopathy, the law of cure suggests that the body’s innate healing process prioritizes the most critical organs, such as the heart, lungs, brain, and liver, over less vital organs like the skin or nails. This principle is based on the idea that the body’s life force drives the healing process and directs the body’s resources to where they are most needed.

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